Mo Shows

Had a blast last night doing QuoteUnquote. This show is becoming one of the best shows in town. So much fun seeing m'comedian friends go for it in a super fun, creative way! Plus you can learn a lot...I now know exactly what it's like to clean under the mats in the kitchen at Golden Corral. Mmmm

MORE SHOWS full of sketches and make-em-ups...

THIS Sunday, September 18th...Mark Primiano's Sketch Packet @ iO (DelCloseTheatre) @ 9pm...come see us put up sketches that the talented Mr. Primiano wrote!

Wednesday, September 21st...The Gym is headlining for the UCB team "Beef Dreams" @ Theatre Asylum

Sunday, Sept 25th...UCB 401 Grad Show @ UCB @ 4:30pm  (start thinking of suggestions now)

Monday, October 10th...The GYM Sketch & Improv Show (detail to come)



My Kinda Serrrderday Night

Prepping for sketch packet                                        

Watching tina fey's mother's day snl rerun

Very excited for show tomorrow

If you can make it

iO West @ 8:30

6374 Hollywood Blvd LA 90028

Di$h, iOWest, Sony, and Skeetches

Di$h: I like the stock market. I do a little ditty every day to discuss the things that interest me in the markets. Take a gander if you so choose. Feel free to subscribe if it interests you at alllll. I'm definitely looking for feedback!

Improv: On Tuesday I met with my new improv group at iO. We played some games at GameNight up in the loft and had a grand ol' time. I'll have a show schedule soon for anyone interested in some improv fun. Tentative name of our group...The Booze Cruise. Look for celebrity guests as well! Ow Oww.

Lunch: Yesterday I had lunch on the Sony lot with a close buddy. It oozes television magic over there and every time I set foot on a set on or a lot I just get that fluttery feeling of excitement! Yaaaay entertainment industry! Luckily you have some real good people in you.

Sketch: Working with a bunch of my formally Hot Biscuiters on some new sketch developments! Got reunited last night and it felt so good. My two pitches got picked...weeee...shooting Saturday so keep yer eyes peeled for that in the very near future!


Welcome to m'life.