Mo Shows

Had a blast last night doing QuoteUnquote. This show is becoming one of the best shows in town. So much fun seeing m'comedian friends go for it in a super fun, creative way! Plus you can learn a lot...I now know exactly what it's like to clean under the mats in the kitchen at Golden Corral. Mmmm

MORE SHOWS full of sketches and make-em-ups...

THIS Sunday, September 18th...Mark Primiano's Sketch Packet @ iO (DelCloseTheatre) @ 9pm...come see us put up sketches that the talented Mr. Primiano wrote!

Wednesday, September 21st...The Gym is headlining for the UCB team "Beef Dreams" @ Theatre Asylum

Sunday, Sept 25th...UCB 401 Grad Show @ UCB @ 4:30pm  (start thinking of suggestions now)

Monday, October 10th...The GYM Sketch & Improv Show (detail to come)



The Balance of Comedy & Tragedy

This tricky balance is something I've had to wobble around with ever since moving to LA.

Out here everything is always "put on your giggle face, go, go, go, joke, joke, joke, laugh, laugh, laugh" and then there will be a very real reminder of the other kind of mask that exists...that tragedy one.

Dealing with real serious things is a challenge for people in all fields but it seems an extra sticky situation for comedy folks.

Having your parents wait to tell you sad or tragic news over the phone because you have to go get on stage in a few hours...
Seeking support of friends in between fart jokes...
Trying to write about how hilarious life is when all you want to do is get fetal and cry...

But when all is said and done, the parents are there for you, the friends are there for you, the writing is there for you and the hope is that we can all be grateful for what and who we have in our lives and we can all share a good laugh...about farts...(both comic and tragic)


Will will be dearly missed!

Will never forget creatively spying on our parents.

Will never forget making movies.  

Will never forget our family trips to Chicago, DC, and Wyoming.

Will never forget playing spin the bottle.

Will never forget late night trampoline wars.

Will never forget pontoon rides.

Will never forget your sweet smile.

Will never forget your unbelievable talent.

Will never forget you, Will Lawrance.

My thoughts and prayers go out to you, Lawrance's and all who knew Will so well.

My Kinda Serrrderday Night

Prepping for sketch packet                                        

Watching tina fey's mother's day snl rerun

Very excited for show tomorrow

If you can make it

iO West @ 8:30

6374 Hollywood Blvd LA 90028